Ever since I found out about garden rooms, I have been absolutely obsessed because there are so many amazing uses for them. My garden room really comes into its own in the Summer when we can make the most use out of it. Here’s how you can make the most of your garden room this Summer.

Protect food at parties

My garden gets most of its use through the Summer when it comes to entertaining guests; I like nothing more than firing up the BBQ, putting out some nibbles and some chilled wine, and enjoying peoples’ company as the sun sets. But while I like to enjoy those nibbles myself, insects like it even more! Using a garden room is a great way to lay the food out ‘indoors’ and away from the elements, while keeping it accessible to people in the garden, so they don’t have to keep going in and out every time they want to fill their plate.

Use it as an outdoor work space

Being able to work from home is a privilege that many of us have these days, especially after the pandemic, as more and more companies have realised that work can be done remotely. As much as it’s nice to be able to work in your pyjama bottoms, when the sun is shining sometimes you want to be able to just sit outdoors and make the most of it. Anyone who has ever tried to use a laptop outside on a sunny day knows it’s not the most practical thing ever, but by using your garden room you have the best of both worlds.

Give yourself space to work out

Working out at home can be tricky to navigate. Sure, you save money by not having to pay any gym fees, but when the rest of the family are trying to live their lives at home it can be quite frustrating to give yourself the proper space to exercise. That’s why a garden room is the perfect space – you are away from everybody else, you can make use of the room without worrying about anybody being in and out of the room, and it also doubles up as a great place to keep your exercise equipment, so you have more space indoors.

Create a reading nook

There’s nothing better than getting cosied up on a drizzly day and immersing yourself in a good book, but when the sun is shining down on you the last thing you want to do is get cosy. Instead of adding warmth to your life, use your garden room as the ultimate space to unwind. All you need is some comfy seating, some snacks and hydration within arm’s reach, and a book that you don’t want to put down, and you get to totally chill out without sitting directly under the rays of the sun.

Do you have a garden room? How do you plan to make the most of it this Summer? Leave your ideas in the comments below.